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What's the matter, peanut butter?

Recettes recentes:
My First Project
My Long Wait
My Search has Ended
My Journey
My Second Purchase
My Dollar
My First Purchase
Our Long Wait
My Meeting
My Working Hours

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August 2007
September 2007

Liens Electronique:
Jepoi's Multiply
Peyups: the UP Online Community
Pisay Neuf Neuf

Le Blogs:
Soeur Mimi and Frere Karl
Frere Dan

La Cuisine de Jepoi
My First Project
Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's top secret! Nah kidding. It's just that a transition is occurring in our department right, and for this week I stood alone. Rewarding actually, kasi walang boss so I get to experience being boss of my own department for a few days. Anyhoo, We are coming out with a new product (we actually always are coming out with a new one), but for this one, I really feel as if it's my baby. Because I contributed something concrete to it, even if it was just a four-page report that I did for a couple of hours.

You know, what I really appreciate the fact that my big boss is very supportive and knows how to handle people. She really does. The five words you always want to hear from your boss are "keep up the good work, man." Well that is six, with the "man." She told me those exact words yesterday. And when you know that your big boss has confidence in your abilities, it makes me work better. I just thank God I don't have a slave driver as a boss.

It's just been an exciting week for me. With the promotion and recognition and the realization that this job is exactly what I am looking for right now, well it just might work. And I am hoping it will.

For four months, I was working on the midnight shift, working in packaging as an equipment cleaner. But I never gave up, I did the best I could and become the best equipment cleaner for packaging. I almost got to tears sometime after my first week. I told myself, what the hell I was doing there. Cleaning equipment? But I pushed all those thoughts away and just hoped for something better, did all I could do and more. Someone would notice my hard work I guess. But I was always optimistic and was just thankful that I was home the same time my baby was home.

After that I got a short term position as lab technician. I got a call saying they needed someone in the lab. So there were two of us, thankfully I was the one chosen to take the job. It was only for two months at first. But after a month I got an extension, and the term was made into one-year. I was already happy with that because now I was guaranteed to work in the morning for a year. People have been telling me that you can't get the career you are trained for unless you were schooled here. And I didn't accept that. I knew I would be destined for greater things, as God is with me, who can be against me? God does answers prayers. I have seen Him work in my life.

And just after two months working as a technician, I got promoted again. I was all smiles yesterday when my big boss gave me the offer and her congratulations. After all the sacrfices, at least I can say I have accomplished something, with God's grace, and hard work really pays off.

And now, well I am grateful and happy. Who knew I'd be working in the pharmaceutical industry. After our plant design, I was actually hoping I would get into the oil industry, but God had other plans for me. With my father working for a competing company while I was still in the Philippines, I was not able to get into a job I really wanted at that time. Well now, I am actually in pharma, which was actually my topic for ChE 140. Sayang di ko nauno 'yun.

Alam niyo, for the first five months here in Canada, I was never happy. But now I am. At least I can have a career that I will really appreciate. And learning, I learn new stuff and add more value to myself. It's just really a blessed month for me, I just can't contain my joy.

I still get to talk with people from packaging, manufacturing, people from marketing, and of course lab people. And I can still get access to all the areas of the plant so it's all good. Simply put, at this point in time, I can say I am happy with my job.

Things I have learned this week, you have to encourage other people and compliment them whenever you can. It helps, I know. And just smile and be happy. We need to add joy to this world.

Masaya lang talaga ako, this promotion means a lot to me. I have witnessed first-hand how sacrifice and hardwork pays off. Now I know better.

Yung project ko? Bigyan ko kayo ng sample pag narelease na. Kung andito kayo sa Canada ah :)

posted at 3:31 PM

My Long Wait
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It took me 7 months, a different continent, to finally get into a career which I am trained to do. Well sort of. I am just so happy than in six months I finally get a chance to prove myself anew. I am going to train next week, oh I really am happy :) what a gift from God.

posted at 3:58 PM

My Search has Ended
Monday, September 24, 2007

Finally received my copy! And it's hardbound too. After so many years of searching, I finally have my own copy. And I can't wait to read it too. I think I have plenty of time to read in the next few weeks :)

Well on to the next book!

posted at 6:31 PM

My Journey
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Another week passed. Every passing week means I am one week nearer to my goals; those in progress and those that will be conceptualized as time passes. Taking small steps everyday, the journey is very rewarding, because I know for a fact that these goals are worthwhile. Pursuing them will be a life-long endeavor. And as I grow older, I am thankful for each day, for not everyone has the privilege of growing old. Some die young, so young that their dreams will never see realization. They wouldn't be able to make those first steps because life has been cut so short. So soon.

Dying young, it is a curse. For some it is honorable, if you die for one's country. You don't get a chance to do that everyday. Dying for one's friends, that is love, no greater love than laying down your life for a friend. But to die in the hands of those whom you trust or learned to trust, dying in the hands who you think would be your future brothers. Now that is unfortunate. It would be almost a month since CA Mendez died. And as I read the updates from various news websites, I find it disconcerting that the process in seeking justice for his untimely death is slow. This is not surprising though. It is kind of expected with the prevailing system that we have in our country. And not surprisingly either, most of the people sitting in the government are also products of the same system that Cris wanted to be a part of.

Kudos to everyone striving hard to change the system from within. It is a daunting task believe me. The obstacles are not only from within but also from people outside the system.

It is really just plain sad that Cris cannot go on this same journey that I am in right now. I don't know you but I hope your brother continue yours.


One long week indeed! Twelve hours everyday is driving me crazy. The same routine again this week. Hope I get the energy to keep up with all the craziness at work.

posted at 4:50 PM

My Second Purchase
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Okay so this was my first purchase coming from my own pocket. This is what's nice about living here, one of the reasons why I am beginning to appreciate living here up in the north. Got this in my mailbox today, I sent it to the office because no one was at home to maybe receive, I guess. Most of the hard to find books you can finally order online.

Here is an excerpt from:

No te amo como si fueras rosa de sal, topacio
o flecha de chaveles que propagan el fuego:
te amo como se aman ciertas cosas oscuras,
secretamente, entre la sombra y el alma.

Nice :) It's for my baby.

posted at 5:43 PM

My Dollar

Just heard this from my labmates, the Canadian dollar made significant gains today against the US. Now I am no economist, a frustrated one albeit. But I could have just paid $14 for this book.

Instead of paying $17.50 for it! It's really not that fair eh (pronounced as "e-y"). Similar to our "no?" Anyway just a rant from this corner. Looking forward to my first white Christmas. Finally Saturday! In two days, I just can't for the freakin' weekend baby, although I won't be having fun. If I get to it I might be coming in for work, but I guess I wouldn't. Too tired to do that. Twelve hours everyday is really draining. I get like an hour break but that's it.

I can't wait for tomorrow, finally after 12 hours I can spend time to rest. Couldn't even sleep yesterday, like I woke around 1 and finally fell asleep at 4 but then had to get up at 5:30. On the lighter side, working is easier compared to going to school and you get paid too. Oh I want to go home now.

posted at 4:53 PM

My First Purchase
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Who knew shopping online would be that easy. People shop online to buy books, CDs, DVDs, toys and whatever hard-to-find stuff you can think of. I made my first purchase last week. Nope it was not among those that I've mentioned above. In fact it was work related. I bought $500 worth of contact plates. $500! I didn't expect that they would cost that much! Thirteen boxes with 10 plates each. Plus taxes and shipping of course.

I kinda miss the times when I am going home to the province and I stop by at SM North. Well for now, it's this mall that I pass by:

This is Kildonan Place located on Regent Avenue here in Winnipeg. I took this picture while waiting for my bus. The bus system is very different from what I was used to riding. In a few months time or maybe next year, I might be doing that again. Who knows?

posted at 4:35 PM

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