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My Lunch Break
Thursday, June 28, 2007 Three months working, and I think I've finally passed my probation. Well that's what my co-workers have been saying. Three months and you're okay. Anyway, no official word from my supervisor yet, but she said albeit informally that I'm good to go. I can do better though, I hope I can find a better job suited to my training and qualifications. But like most of the immigrants, you have to do the odd jobs here and there first. Lucky are those who get to practice their profession at once. Anyway, I finally got my haircut last weekend. It felt right and I looked way younger now than before. I miss my stylist though, the guy who cut my hair, well let's just say I'm not "hiyang." I guess by the time I get another one, it wouldn't be from him. Although I must say, having short hair again is a welcome experience. For now, I don't think I'd be having ponytails soon, or maybe never. And of course, it's the least I can do for someone who I hold in high esteem. I wonder how much the average haircut in Winnipeg costs, the salon where I went charged $12 without taxes. Ah July's coming soon, and we're nearly halfway the year. How time passes by so swiftly. Imagine four months ago I was still in the Philippines. How I miss home. And a shout out to Steph. Hope you had a pleasant journey :) My Own Summer Tuesday, June 19, 2007 I believe I already used this title when I was still blogging with blog-city. It's just 2 days since summer starts. I look forward to it and before you know it's already autumn! And then winter. Time flies faster now for me... It seems that when you have goals in life that you really, really wish to achieve, no matter how difficult they are, each days passes by albeit faster. Whereas when you just bum around the house, like I did last year, except for the 10 weeks I spent studying French, and the occasional job interview there, last year was practically spent living a bum's life. Although it was a blissful year and the year before that too. I'm starting to get used to life outside the Philippines, nevertheless I still pine for home. I still miss riding jeepneys, getting stuck in traffic, the pollution, the long lines at government offices, the endless showbiz news on TV among other things. For the first time in my life, I wasn't able to vote. Okay, it's just the third elections that I was eligible to vote. Still, the 2004 elections is still fresh in my memory. I remember our campaign to vote in the USC. I remember voting at our local precinct and then taking a picture at my finger dipped in indelible ink, which actually took two days before I finally got rid of it, the ink not the finger, I have ten fingers still. Hmmm, I still get amused by the sun setting at 10pm, and if it weren't for daylight savings time, sunset would be at 11pm! I still remember having DST in the Philippines while I was still young don't know what year that was though. So this summer, this will be my first summer without Tintin. Pity, there are no natural beaches here in Manitoba, except of course the beaches in Hudson Bay. I don't think I can ask anyone to go there with me now. Oh and I'm still searching for the statue of the Winnipeg Bear. Legend says it's located at the Assiniboine Park. My Cousin Gino's Game: 7 Random facts/habits Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! 1. When I was in 4th year, I became 11 months "younger." In our class directory for IV-Charm (break) I put dd-mm-yyyy instead of mm-dd-yyyy. So my birthday was interpreted as 1st of December, 1983. 2. I know lots of trivia (and trivial things). And I have a knack for remembering which actor starred in which movies, or tv shows for that matter. 3. I've been an admin for Peyups for 4 years now. I've been moderating the forums a year before that. My mentor is Vince. 4. The only book I read in the LOTR series is Return of the King. Well, I sort of started reading Fellowship of the Reading but I didn't finish it, I never even reached halfway. After seeing Two Towers on the big screen, I couldn't wait one year to see the final installment in the trilogy. 5. Whenever my hair is long, I wash it every other day. I actually miss being able to tie it in a ponytail. 6. I listen to 70s music, be it OPM or foreign. If you can just see my playlist. I have Juan dela Cruz Band, Boyfriends, VST and Company, Deep Purple, James Taylor among others. 7. I'm perpetually homesick. Oh come on, now I don't know who to tag because Gino already tagged Alva! Haha. Let's see 1. Ching 2. Shally 3. Iche 4. Nigel 5. Jonar 6. Jen 7. Jed Happy Birthday UP! Monday, June 18, 2007 UP's 99th year today! My Phones Thursday, June 14, 2007 Finally the free memory stick arrived in the mail today. I had to search the internet on how to install the thing in my phone. I didn't find it in the manual. Anyway, as I was searching for that kind of stuff I came across a picture of my old phone. It's been 8 years since we've been introduced to the wonders of texting. I remember that during the first time texting came out, my old analog phone paled in comparison with the hip new GSM phones that came out. No more cloned calls from those phones they said. This was the most popular phone that came out during that time, I remember Bart having one. He never changed numbers since that day. ![]() Anyway, the phone had a built in game, Snake, the game popularized by Nokia, which eventually became a classic. I didn't have a Nokia though, the first one that I had was this: ![]() It's an Ericsson GA 628, my number then was 09179469203. I wasn't able to see the forwarded images from my friends because this phone had just one line of text, unlike the Nokia phones which had 4. Those were pretty popular then. I don't know now, I guess they aren't. Afterwards, I finally got another phone that September, the new 3210, which everyone knows how it looks. Plus it had new games like React, Memory, Logic, and Rotation. Of course Snake was still installed in the phone. I switched back to my former network, my number now was 09196248318. A year later, one of the first phones that had a vibrate alert function came out. I had myself a 3310, a week before the (in)famous Edsa II revolt. We were there! My old number was 09175481240. And after three years I finally got a phone with a camera. My old trusty T610, still running, still with me. And it's on roaming :) If you want to text me you can. If you know my number that is. I would like to offer my thanks to my parents for these phones. Eight years since GSM phones became popular in our country. There was still a time then that for a flat fee of P165, you can have unlimited texting. Although messages arrive late oftentimes because the networks get clogged. And then the cellphone companies removed this and started charging P1/text. I remember this occurred around September of 1999. Anyway, a lot has happened during that time. I'm sure everyone witnessed it. My Plan Monday, June 11, 2007 I had a plan and now I can never realize it fully. Anyway, the past few days have been hard. I can't even write about it now. It's the 12th of June and next year around this time, we would be celebrating UP's centenary. But today, Filipinos are celebrating their Independence Day! Or are they? No one even seemed to remember, at work, no one mentioned it. Even I did not! Well maybe I'm still a bit depressed. But to think that no one remembered it among my co-workers, should I be alarmed? Heck, they aren't even Filipinos on paper. Well most of them. And I don't blame them, just as long as they don't go off spouting "the Philippines has no future!" I'm okay with that. It's their life. So where does the plan go now? I have to make some major changes now. And so I bought myself a new phone, finally I did spend something for myself. It's not a big thing. Would've wanted to go for the car though. ![]() Looks nice doesn't it? It has a pretty price too! @ $99,000. Anyway, I guess I'm not buying that car this year, not this year. And so Independence Day! I'm not even one to celebrate that. You know why, I'm not a fan of Aguinaldo. Although I did recite once in Pisay the Cesar Virata was a descendant of the General. I can never forget that moment. Oh how I wish I could change the past. But living in the past is something that I've already given up. Sometimes you just wish you could control everything. If only life had a quicksave and quickload button, everything would be so easy. But it doesn't. Live with it. The point is, live. My War Heroes Monday, June 4, 2007 In a few days, it will be 63rd anniversary of D-Day. It's a pity I had work Sunday nights and wasn't able to watch longest day. Last Saturday morning, early morning actually I saw a film about General Eisenhower and the days leading to D-Day. And after that I saw this documentary on Discovery Channel entitled Hell in the Pacific. I was just so thankful that we live in this free world that we have. Okay someone might debate me on whether we are really are free. Anyway, who knows what would've happened if D-Day failed? But I'm just thankful it succeeded and then eventually Japan surrendered in the Far East. I could not help but admire and be grateful to those who gave up their lives defending our country. And for those who sacrificed a lot during that time, those who suffered physically, mentally, and emotionally. I cannot even imagine the horrors that they faced during that time. I'm truly thankful for their sacrifices. My Cousin Gino's Game: Everyone's a little weird, I bet you are too. Sunday, June 3, 2007 Okay so we're playing a game now. The rules are simple. And they are as follows, and I quote them from Gino's post Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who got tagged need to write a blog entry of their own 6 weird things. They should as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog. I don't think there's anything weird about me so I guess I'm not playing. Oh no I kid. So here goes: 1. I have a plan to change residences every 12 years. First, San Fernando, the Quezon City, and now Winnipeg. Where shall I go next? I wonder. 2. I only learned how to eat with my hands just a few months ago, Tintin taught me. 3. I have a high tolerance level for pain. 4. I used to be in and out of the hospital when I was still a kid. Got confined for H-fever, Typhoid fever, well mostly H-fever. 5. I look young for my age. 6. I love chatting more than talking over the phone. Written communication is really my preference. Although I can't stop talking once I start. I guess written correspondence is more concrete and official. Who do I tag then? Let's see Alva Shally Iche Johann Jen and Kla :) You guys blog regularly. I think. My Narrow-Minded Countrymen Friday, June 1, 2007 Okay, back again from a week's work. It's the weekend and again no plans for me. Eh well, for the past years it's always a fun-filled weekend for me anyway, for every week that passes. Or should I do overtime? No. Anyway, it has come to my attention that there are rumors around me spreading around the workplace, propagated by, not surprisingly, my fellow countrymen. Not from my shift though but from the two other shifts. I was actually surprised when Tita Laura asked me a personal question. She asked permission first to ask it, and then she asked, in a jest, if I was gay. She said the people from days and evenings were asking her about it. Their rational for assuming my gayness: 1. Hair - I have long hair now, but not the type that I used to have when I was still in college. I can't tie it into a pony-tail, at least not yet. Tita Laura told me she berated them on not minding other people's hairdo. If I were straight daw, I should have short hair. And I actually expected people here to be liberal. So does it follow then that short-haired women are also gay? Because women should have long hair right? Or is there a double standard? Are they actually allowed to have long and short hair? 2. The manner in which I greet people - Well, I've noticed mostly everyone here greet people every time they pass each other on the street or wherever. So I adopted that custom. I say hi and smile. What the hell is so gay about that? So is being courteous gay? 3. And the wearing of hairnets - We have a strict clothing policy. We have uniforms, dedicated footwear, gloves etc. And hairnets of course, hair should not be showing outside of the hairnet. And since I have long and thick hair, it takes time to put all those inside the net. And these people even noticed that eh, the manner in which I wear my hairnet. Aren't they supposed to be working? And all of these came from my fellow Filipinos. But I think they're Canadian now. Most of them maybe. I wish these people open their minds more. Will they ever ask me that question personally? I think not. And wait till my hair grows longer. |
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