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My Troubles
Saturday, April 21, 2007 Oh help. I can't seem to find the time to sleep. I can't sleep during the night because I have work. And sometimes I can't too during the day. It's a messed up situation really. Oh I can't wait to move out and get my own place. My timetable, maybe next year. I need to save up first. Now dealing with home-sickness. Youtube videos don't help anymore. I have to get back to the Philippines soon! Again, next year! My professional career, well right now, I haven't decided if I would still pursue my engineering career, because for me I'm not really suited into all of that. I'd like to study again. Uh I don't think I'll be doing that next year, the year after most probably and pursue that Economics degree which I should've gotten in the first place! High school students should only choose their field of study after two years in college. After taking up their general college courses. Maybe that is one of the rationale of having grades 11 and 12. My weight! I've been losing weight since I started working. The pants I bought now need a belt to hold them up. Right after I left the belts annoyed me. Now I need to start wearing them again. And again I think of growing my hair long again. My work. Almost a month already. No complaints here yet. I'm just thankful I got a relatively good starting job for an immigrant like me. I should thank Ma'am Shee for assigning me that Pharma report for 140. Or did she? Did we draw lots then? I seem to have forgotten. Who was with me in that class? I think Pame was. The following pictures are from our ChE 140 class. I think I lost my certificate, it was Best Loveteam I think. This was the cake. ![]() And this was the backdrop. ![]() My name's there somewhere. And now our French words. Doctor - Medecin Singer - Chanteur/Chanteuse Engineer - Ingenieur and of course Chemical Engineer - Ingenieur Chimique |
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