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My Own Summer
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 I believe I already used this title when I was still blogging with blog-city. It's just 2 days since summer starts. I look forward to it and before you know it's already autumn! And then winter. Time flies faster now for me... It seems that when you have goals in life that you really, really wish to achieve, no matter how difficult they are, each days passes by albeit faster. Whereas when you just bum around the house, like I did last year, except for the 10 weeks I spent studying French, and the occasional job interview there, last year was practically spent living a bum's life. Although it was a blissful year and the year before that too. I'm starting to get used to life outside the Philippines, nevertheless I still pine for home. I still miss riding jeepneys, getting stuck in traffic, the pollution, the long lines at government offices, the endless showbiz news on TV among other things. For the first time in my life, I wasn't able to vote. Okay, it's just the third elections that I was eligible to vote. Still, the 2004 elections is still fresh in my memory. I remember our campaign to vote in the USC. I remember voting at our local precinct and then taking a picture at my finger dipped in indelible ink, which actually took two days before I finally got rid of it, the ink not the finger, I have ten fingers still. Hmmm, I still get amused by the sun setting at 10pm, and if it weren't for daylight savings time, sunset would be at 11pm! I still remember having DST in the Philippines while I was still young don't know what year that was though. So this summer, this will be my first summer without Tintin. Pity, there are no natural beaches here in Manitoba, except of course the beaches in Hudson Bay. I don't think I can ask anyone to go there with me now. Oh and I'm still searching for the statue of the Winnipeg Bear. Legend says it's located at the Assiniboine Park. |
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